
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Episode 63: Sunshine Villa and Lombard Street
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
On this episode, Brittany talks about the haunted old folks home Sunshine Villa in Santa Cruz, CA. Kaylynn talks about the hauntings along Lombard and California Streets in San Francisco, CA. We also talk about Hunger games, the Pope and natural disasters a little too much, but hey come for the ghosts, stay for the stupidity, am I right? We hope you like these creepy hauntings from our home portion of California! Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Deliver Us From Evil and the Bloody Pit
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Happy Halloween Creeps! On this week's episode, Brittany talks about the movie Deliver Us From Evil (2014) starring Eric Bana and the freaky true stories of retired NYPD officer Ralph Sarchie that inspired the film. Kaylynn talks about the Bloody Pit, which is an abandoned mining tunnel that was responsible for many deaths in its prime. So, get ready to break on through to the other side, and Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Episode 61: The Enfield Poltergeist and The Whaley House
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Hey Creeps! Happy Spooky Season!
On this week's episode We bring you some haunted houses! Brittany talks about the Enfield Poltergeist, which occurred in the 1970's in Enfield, London, England and was the inspiration for the Conjuring 2. Kaylynn talks about the Whaley House in San Diego, CA, the history of the land who they think is haunting it. Grab your sage and Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Episode 60: Lincoln’s Ghost and The Blennerhassett Hotel
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Hello Creeps!
It's been a while since we've brought you some spooky tales. Please forgive us. We are back and ready to kick off the spooky season! This episode was recorded back in March or April, so forgive the slightly outdated banter.
On this episode, Brittany talks about the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, since he always seemed to come up in other episodes, it was time for him to have his own. Kaylynn talks about the Blennerhassett Hotel in Parkersburg West Virginia and the ghost that shares your bed. You can totally book your stay here as it's still open!
Thank you all for joining us again and we are happy to be back! Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Doppelgängers and Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Oh, hey there. It's us. We're back.
On this week's episode, Brittany talks about doppelgängers and their possible sign as a bad omen and a few famously creepy instances in which they've been seen. Kaylynn talks about Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Cook County, Illinois. This was a cemetery that people once picnicked, swam and fished at but it has now been closed off. Possibly due to vandalism, or the occult, or the ghosts. So pack your lunch, and Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Friday Oct 07, 2022
The White Witches of The Bay and The Trans Allegheny Asylum
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
On this week's episode Brittany talks about the many popular "White Witch" legends just in the Bay Area, California. This includes the White Witch of Tilden Park in Berkeley, which seems to have an ever-evolving tale and was a source of fear for us as kids. Kaylynn talks about the Trans-Allegheny Asylum and the many stupid reasons someone could be committed, including menopause and well, just being a woman in general... So stay on your best behavior... and Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
The Montauk Project and The San Antonio Ghost Kids
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
On this week's episode Brittany continues with her unhealthy infatuation with Stranger Things and covers the Montauk Project: The conspiracy theory that the U.S. government was conducting secret mind control experiments in upstate New York, which inspired the Lab in Stranger Things. Kaylynn tells us the short but sad story of the San Antonio ghost kids that help you move your car, even if it re-traumatizes their ghosts. So buckle up and stay off of train tracks. Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Friday Jul 29, 2022
The Byron Hot Springs Hotel and The USS Hornet
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Hey everyone. Thanks for hanging through another break! We appreciate you!
On this week's episode Brittany talks about the Byron Hot Springs Hotel, which if you have been keeping up with us on Instagram, we took some awesome photos there with Brendan at Hop and Steal Photography @Hopandsteal_photography on instagram! The hotel was once frequented by Bay Area and Hollywood elite, but is now a shell of itself and frequented by graffiti artists, cows and shadow people. Kaylynn talks about the USS Hornet in Alameda, CA and the creepy things that communicate through flashlights. Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Friday Jun 24, 2022
The Crescent Hotel and Vulture City Gold Mine
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
On this week's episode Brittany talks about the Crescent hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas and its many ghosts related to the time it was ran as a cancer hospital by a man that wasn't actually a doctor. Tune in to learn what his "magic elixir" was actually made of... Kaylynn talks about Vulture City Ghost Town and the haunted gold mine complete with a ghost filled glory-hole. Yeah. You read that right. So, get ready for some Creepiness and Enjoy!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer

Friday Jun 17, 2022
The Greenbriar Ghost and Poveglia Island
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
On this week's episode Brittany talks about the Greenbriar Ghost or Zona Heaster: the ghost that helped solve her own murder. This case went to trial and is the only case in American history that evidence from a paranormal encounter persuaded a jury. Kaylynn talks about Poveglia Island, which had been used to banish plague victims in the 1300s, then housed an asylum in the late 1800s. Needless to say, there's quite a bit of negative energy here and no shortage of paranormal activity!
Sources can be found on our blog: Home | The Creep End Podcast (wixsite.com)
Instagram: @thecreependpod
Facebook: The Creep End Podcast
Email us: thecreependpodcast@gmail.com
Music is Glass Houses by Third Age and Shimmer